Unmanned Systems
The Southern Indiana Defense Network is home to a number of airfields for training and testing of unmanned systems, including the North Vernon Regional Airport, Columbus Municipal Airport, and Indy South Greenwood Airport.
Muscatatuck is known throughout the United States Department of Defense as a flexible and accommodating training and testing venue for unmanned systems over air, ground and maritime.
The complex includes special use airspace, nine miles of roads with three traffic circles and an overpass, and a 180-acre reservoir.

Sensors & Robotics
Sensor and robotic sensor technology is employed across the Department of Defense in everything from unmanned systems to military data-fusion applications and supply chains.
With over 60,000 scientific and technical service workers in the region, combined with access to engineering and robotics educational programs from Purdue University, our region is ready to supply a highly-skilled workforce to support the development of this technology.
If your business is exploring applications for robotics, you’ll find great access to real world testing in our area.

Cyber & Electronic Warfare
Looking for highly skilled, technical workers to assist your company with the next innovations in cyber and electronic security? Our region boasts over 25,000 computer scientists, 164,000 manufacturing workers, and thousands more available to support your business and take it to the next level.
Through its partnership with the Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane Division, Muscatatuck has standing electronic attack clearances that allow for the use of a full theater load of frequencies for ground-based electronic attack.
Are you a private sector defense industry representative?
The Southern Indiana Defense Network will help you connect to our unique assets in Southern Indiana.